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A message to WHLF from:Richard Rodger, FRHS, FAcSS, Professor Emeritus, University of Edinburgh. Dear ChairmanI am contacting you because I believe local and family history societies deserve better access to…
A message to WHLF from:Richard Rodger, FRHS, FAcSS, Professor Emeritus, University of Edinburgh. Dear ChairmanI am contacting you because I believe local and family history societies deserve better access to…
An excellent report by Diana Clutterbuck on the WHLF can be found here. (It is also included under the 'News' menu above.)
The 2019 RLHS Exhibition is taking place from 31st October to 24th November 2019 in the Gallery of the National Needle Museum at Forge Mill - B98 8HY This exhibition…
Here's the latest newsletter from the Alcester & District Local History Society.
We have had this information from the Mercian Regiment who are custodians of the archive collections of The Worcestershire Regiment (and its forebears). "We offer a specialist research enquiry service…
A few news items which may be of interest to members Feckenham Forest History Society A new Feckenham Forester magazine is now in the shops, price £3.50, or available from…
Please latest newsletter of Alcester & District Local History Society can be access from the society site at or from clicking here Also, the Annual General Meeting of the Society is…
Please see the following from The Friends of Worcestershire Archives. Also, please can you forward it to anyone else who may be interested? Save the Worcestershire Archives! Our award winning…
We have been requested by the Kidderminster Museum of Carpets to give a plug to its 2019 programme of events. It's certainly a place we've added to our "must Visit in…
Those of us who are Friends of the Worcester Archives will be sorry to hear that the Chairman, Roger Leake, is standing down as Chairman after 14 years at the…
Worcester in 50 Buildings by James Dinn Following in James Dinn’s footsteps, the owner of this handy-sized guide book can discover the magnificent city of Worcester over many weekends of…
A new book from the Badsey Society contains 176 pages, is fully illustrated and has a Foreword by Professor Stephen Badsey of The University of Wolverhampton and cover design by…