The Worcestershire Local History Forum (WLHF), founded in 1994, has the aim to coordinate organisations who are concerned in the history of Worcestershire.

Our members are a mixture of societies and individuals who all share a lively interest in the history of our county.
We offer a variety of benefits to its members including:
- A free Directory of Speakers, containing details of lecturers and lectures on aspects of local history and other historical topics.
- A free What’s on In Worcestershire (WOIW) – a where, what, when and who compilation of talks and other activities of member groups that includes contact and membership details of each group.
- An annual Day School organised either by the WLHF committee or a member group where member groups and individuals can set up exhibitions, sell their products and publications and take the floor to talk about a topic of local history interest.
- An ‘approximately’ twice yearly newsletter ‘Forum Focus’ which highlights events from our members groups which are going on in the area.
If you or your group is not already a member, please join us and help promote Worcestershire’s history & heritage.