Hallow History Group
Venue: Hallow Parish Hall just off the Tenbury Road from Worcester
Meetings at at 7.30pm. £4 to include refreshments
Contact: Jeannette Roe – T: 01905 640742 – email: jeannetteroe@yahoo.com
The group meetings are free and open to anyone who would like to attend. Please contact Ann Finn at a_m_finn @Yahoo.co.uk to find the date of the next meeting if you are interested.
Hagley Historical & Field Society
Venue: St Saviour’s Church Hall, Hagley
Meetings: 1st Tuesday of month at 8pm
Contact: Jean Atkinson – Tel: 01562 886549 – email: mail@hhfs.org.uk
Web: www.hhfs.org.uk
THVS The Hanleys’ Village Society see S-V
Historic Droitwich and Dodderhill Research Group
Venue: Olive Branch Community Centre, rear of Droitwich Baptist Church Hall, Ombersley Street East/Winnett’s Lane, Droitwich Spa WR9 8QX
Meetings: Three public meetings per year. Meetings at 10am
Contact: Chris Bowers – email: chrisatgarden@aol.com
Kidderminster Civic Society.
Meetings are usually on the 1st or 2nd Monday or Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at the Museum of Carpet, Green St, Kidderminster.
Meetings Members £3 – Visitors £4. Walks £2 Members – £3 Visitors usually on Saturday mornings.
Contact Bob Millward civic@millward39.plus.com
Web: https://kiddercivicsociety.wixsite.com/kiddercivsoc
Kidderminster Historical Society.
Venue Museum of Carpet . Stour Vale Mill, , Green Street, Kidderminster. DY10 1AZ
Meetings: 2.30 p.m. unless specified
Contact: Catherine Guest – email: archsec123@gmail.com
Langley Local History Society
Venue: Salvation Army Centre, Warley Institutional Church, Pound Road, Oldbury
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of month at 10.45am
Contact: Lynn Paynter – email: langleyhistorysociety@gmail.com
Web: www.historyofoldbury.co.uk
Lickey Hills Local History Society
Venue: Trinity Centre (Parish Hall), Rose Hill, Lickey (opposite Holy Trinity) B45 8ES
Meetings:3rd Tuesday of month at 7.30pm
Contact: Sandra Mason- Tel: 0121 445 6261 email: sanjohmason@gmail.com
Midland Ancestors: Bromsgrove.
Venue: The Methodist Centre, Stratford Road, BROMSGROVE
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7.45pm
Contact: Mike Sharpe – email: chair@bromsgrovebmsgh.co.uk
Midland Ancestors Stourbridge
Venue: St Peter’s Church Centre, Pedmore Lane, PEDMORE DY9 0SW
Meetings: Most meetings Tuesday evenings at 7pm for 7.30pm except January, February and March meetings take place on Saturday afternoons at 2.30pm
Visits must be booked and paid for in advance – Visitors welcome – £3 donation
Contact: Jean Weston -email: jeanweston@blueyonder.co.uk
Web: www.midland-ancestors.uk/stourbridge-group/
Malvern Civic Society
Venue: Eden Centre, Grovewood Road, off Townsend Way, Malvern WR14 1GD
Meetings: 2nd Friday of month – 7.00pm – £4 for non-members
Contact: Andrew Huntley – email: arhuntley@outlook.com
Malvern Family History Society
Venue: Eden Centre, Grovewood Road, off Townsend Way, Malvern WR14 1GD
Meetings: 1st Wednesday of month – 7.00-9.00pm plus other notified dates.
Contact: Ruth Casemore – email: info@mfhs.org.uk
Web: www.mfhs.org.uk
Malvern Museum of Local History
Venue: Christchurch Hall, Avenue Road, Malvern WR14 3AY.
Meetings: Thursdays. 2.30pm members free; visitors welcome, £3.00 per meeting. Refreshments 50p
Contact: Cora Weaver: cora.weaver@talktalk.net
The Milestone Society (Worcester Group)
Contact: Group Sec. Ray Worth Tel: 01684 892772,
County Rep. and Contact: Jan Scrine T: 01905 923051 email: waymarker@outlook.com