The WLHF Speakers’ Directory for Meeting Organisers is one of the directories that the WLHF publishes contains details of individuals offering talks on a wide range of topics.

The Directory contains details of over 85 speakers who can offer a talk to suit every requirement. Most of the speakers are experts in their fields an passionate in their on their topics. Many donate the fees to support the topic they talk about. Many speakers can tailor their talk to your requirements both in content and length of the talk. 

Each member society receives a free copy of the Directory. If member societies require more than one copy, these may be purchased for £5.00 w

hich includes postage and packing. Individual members also receive a free copy.

Please use the directory, and when you book a speaker, tell them where you got their details.

However good the directory is, however, many speakers we have, however many topics they cover we can always do more.

  • Are you passionate about a local History subject?
  • Are you an expert in you chosen subject?
  • Would you like to inspire others?

If so why to offer yourself as a local speaker. The first step is to submit an entry to the Directory of Speakers.

Speakers from Forum Member Societies are invited to be included at no cost. Speakers who are not members of the Forum are charged £8.00.

We are currently updating this years Directory

Please check your entry is correct. Click here to ensure your entry is included in the next edition.