North Worcestershire Archaeology Group
Meetings: every Wednesday at their excavation sites.
Group visits to museums and walks to places of interest are also arranged.
Contact: Francesca Llewellyn email: fllyn@btinternet.com
Web: www.northwag.org
Ombersley History Group
Venue. Ombersley Memorial Hall
Meetings: Public meetings three or four times a year in and member meetings on an ad hoc basis. £10 annual membership. Entry £5 (cash only), to include a glass of wine or a soft drink
Contact: David Collier Tel 01905622262 – email: ombersleyhistorygroup@gmail.com
Pershore Heritage & History Society
Venue: Pershore Library Conference Room (rear of library) in Church Street, Pershore.
Meetings: 1st Thursday of month, except August and January, at 7.00pm
Contact: Cynthia Johnson – email: cindymj@btinternet.com
Quinton Local History Society
Venue: Parish Church Hall, Hagley Road West, Quinton
Meetings: at 7.15pm
Contact: – Michael Hall email: michael.hall10@gmail.com
Romsley & Hunnington History Society
Venue: St Kenelm’s Church Hall, Bromsgrove Road, Romsley
Meetings: 4th Tuesday of month at 7.30pm (except January, August and December
Contact: Kov Riley – email: rileyjohn541@aol.com – All are welcome
Redditch History Society.
Venue: Oasis Christian Centre, 4 Plymouth Road, Redditch B97 4QB
Membership £20/year (10 meetings), £10/half year – October to March (5 meetings)
Meetings: 2nd Monday of month (no meeting January or August) from 2.00pm-4.00pm.
Members free, non-members welcome: £4.00 at door. Refreshments available.
Web: https://www.redditchhistorysociety.org.uk/
Simon De Montfort Society
Venue: The Friends Meeting House, Cowl Street, Evesham
Meetings:1st Thursday of month at 7.30pm-9.30pm £2 entrance fee – Day School in October
Contact: Sue Campbell Tel 01386 47434 – email: susancampbell1619@hotmail.co.uk
Studley Local History Group
Venue: Studley Parish Centre, Vicarage Gardens, Studley B80 7SG.
Meetings: 8pm – 10pm held Members FOC, Visitors £3.00
Contact: Tony Lever Tel: 01527 85 2002 email: owdantosh@gmail.com
South Worcestershire Archaeological Group
Contact: Sue Southwick email: swagmembership@gmail.com
The Badsey Society
Venue: Usually, Badsey Community Sports and Social Club
Meetings: Usually the second Friday of the month 7.30 p.m. Members free, non-members £2.50
Contact: Maureen Spinks – email: info@badsey.net
Web: www.badseysociety.uk
Teme Valley Historical Society
Venue: Village Hall, Abberley
Meetings: Last Tuesday of month at 7.30pm – meetings held September to May
Contact: Mike Harley – email: mharley791@gmail.com
Venue: Village Hall, Hanley Swan WR8 0DA
Meetings: Four meetings per year – Meetings at 7.30pm
Contact: Malcolm Fare Tel: 01684 311994 – email: malcolm.fare@gmail.com
Web: https://hanleyswanpond.co.uk/
Vale of Evesham Historical Society
Venue: The Friends’ Meeting House, Cowl Street, Evesham.
Meetings at 7:30pm held between September and May only. Guests welcome for a charge of £3
Contact: Gerry Harte – email: gerryharte@aol.com
Web: https://www.valeofeveshamhistory.org.uk/